IDS BreasTel – Bluetooth Enabled Ultrasound
With breast cancer being one of the leading causes of death among women, there is a need for more consumer pro-activity. Supplemental self-exams on top of regularly scheduled mammogram are crucial, particularly if a woman has a family history of breast cancer, already experienced breast cancer, or has fibrocystic breasts.
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BreasTel is unlike anything else that the market has to offer. It is a small handheld ultrasound device that is paired with a mobile app. Women will be able to use it in conjunction with their normal monthly breast self-exam to identify, locate, and characterize breast abnormalities, or simply use it when a breast abnormality or lump is found. While there are a number of portable ultrasound devices available on the market, they are for professional use and their purpose is for medical diagnosis only. Not to mention, their cost would be prohibitive at the consumer level. BreasTel is meant to be an affordable consumer product (expected to be priced at under $150) that can provide life-saving information to the user on a smart phone in real time.
BreasTel is made to be very accessible to the women of the world and is expected to provide early detection of abnormal tissue. This early detection, or even the absence of abnormal tissue, can aid in reducing anxiety, provide peace of mind, and cut down on unnecessary medical procedures and costs.